• Automobile Insurance for motorized vehicles, we cover in civil liability, in damages all accidents, we also assure the persons transported and provide you assistance in the event of breakdown or accident;

• Home insurance: whether you are a landlord or tenant, we offer several options to secure your home, its contents and your third-party liability for damage caused by anyone under your supervision;

• Travel Insurance: with the first European assistance that helps you obtain your Schengen visa, covers you from the moment you boarded your country of residence, during your stay abroad and guarantees you even a possible repatriation of body in case;

• Health Insurance, also known as Health Insurance, which guarantees the payment or reimbursement of medical and pharmaceutical expenses, hospitalization, delivery, dental and eye care expenses, medical evacuation and even medical repatriation;

• Health Insurance 3rd Age which brings a relief for the complete health care of the people of more than 60 years;

• Personal Accident Insurance guaranteeing the insured person, protection against personal injury of any kind that may be victim in the exercise of his profession or in his private life;

• Providence insurance which provides pension solutions covering every stage of your life: accident, cover of a bank loan, transfer of capital in the event of death, organization of the funeral;

• Retirement insurance (individual and group) ensures your retirement in a logic of flexible savings;

• Assurances Education offers you several solutions to support your child in his personal fulfillment by preserving his academic future and his accompaniment in all circumstances during the duration of his schooling;

• Savings – project insurance: to enable you to carry out your projects in the short, medium and long term on a clean basis;.